
We hold fun events throughout the year. Please contact us for more detailed information.
We may have to cancel some of the events scheduled in 2021 due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Please contact us for the latest schedule.
January: ”Dondo-yaki” Firing @ Banko Shrine
February: The 3rd Contest for the “Gotochi Yokkaichi Nabe”
It is the 3rd contest for “Gotochi Yokkaichi Nabe”, electing a new local special hot-pot of Yokkaichi, where produces the largest number of “Donabe (earthen pots)” in Japan. Enjoy delicious hot-pots and vote for the best! The final contest will be held in 2023.
March: Banko no Sato Festa
Banko no Sato Festa is the 2nd largest events at Banko no Sato Center. Cooking and Pottery workshops and demonstrations are held. Banko Ceramic “Hina-Ningyou” doll made by local children are also displayed.
April: Banko Ceramic Competition
May: Banko Festival
The largest ceramic festival in Mie held on a weekend in May.
Shops of manufacturers and wholesalers will be stretch out on roads. There are also some workshops and stage events.
July: Kid’s Pottery Contest **Only for elementary school children in Yokkaichi
October: “Donabe-Kuyo” Ceremony
Other than events above, we also have seasonal exhibitions and workshops to get familiar with Banko ware.